Hey guys,
So as I applied for uoft st george campus I decided I was going to apply for Vic One.
As the over confident student I think I am, for colleges I rank Victoria College first and don’t pay attention to what I put second and third ASSUMING that I would be accepted.
I was wrong. And I ended up getting into New.
Not that I have anything against New its just that I would have rather gone to University College because my dad went there and etc…
I take full responsibility for my ranking deficiencies but I was wondering if, before I start my first year as a NON RESIDENCE student, if it would be possible to ask the UC registrar to transfer me?
Thanks again
Hey hey
I like you! In situations like this, people tend to whine and blame everyone and everything for their unfortunate circumstance without putting any thought into how things ended up the way they did. Look at you, Logic McGee.
I see a good future for you here at UofT. 😀
Now refer to this post to see the process of switching colleges for an incoming student. There are three possible places you can be — under review, pending, or admitted — and them and their college transferring issues are all addressed there.
But the process of switching colleges for someone who’s already accepted his or her offer is quite simple: you write a letter (or email).
You have to form a well-crafted, well-worded, and all around well-argued letter explaining why UC should take you. While the argument that your dad went to UC may be compelling, you might have to add a little bit more to that? Do they have awesome programs you’re interested in? Is their registrar’s office structured in such a way that is perfect for your anal tendencies? Are their extracurriculars perfect for you?
Seeing as your reason isn’t going to be along the lines of “I want to be in their res” as you’re a non-residence student, your letter may actually get some consideration, so good luck with that. 🙂
One Comment
Sarah Skidway
TBH, being an Off-Campus student, your college doesn’t matter all too much. You just go to the registar and pick up OSAP etc. It matters for scholarships and student council. UC is ONE of the best colleges for Off-Campus students. Not only do we have an off-campus centre, but we’re open to students from different colleges. If you can’t officially switch colleges, you can definitely be integrated into the community! GOOD LUCK!!!