subject POST

from science to science to… science!

Hey I was just wondering, if I want to switch into a different program?second year, so if I were to switch from Psychology in first year to Life?Sciences in second year, how does that procedure work? Thanks in advance!



…yeah I’m never opening with howdy again lol.

Anyway, how things work at this lovely university is that in first year, you start off in a stream. You can be in Humanities, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, blah blah blah. There’s quite a few, but they’re veeeery general. Next, you take a whole load of 100-level intro courses to things that interest you/are relevant to your life choices! You can, for the most part, take whatever you want — assuming you have the prerequisites needed for them.

And then after this first year of testing the water, you come down with the classic case of “what the actual eff are Subject POSts?” confusion, a common problem that can be remedied by attending your college’s little seminar-y thing offered around March about POSts.

But in short, they’re your programs of study. At that point, after taking whatever 100-level bio is offered and meeting the program requirement, you can enter the bio program. Or the psychology. Or bioethics. Whatever.

tl;dr = you don’t have to “transfer” from “psychology” to “life sciences.”

Really, you’re probably starting off here in some science-y thing, you’ll take your courses, and then at the end of first year, you enrol in the program you want and throw away any unwanted dreams about psych.

Make sense?



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