subject POST

lying about your minor and other such atrocities

Hi, I’m confused about type 1 enrollment controls. What’s stopping someone from, for example, enrolling into a Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health Minor, then bypassing the priority to enroll in, for example, NEW339H1, then dis-enrolling from the minor? Is this a loophole or does the system have something in place to prevent this?


ok, well…no. there’s nothing in place to stop you doing this.

for type 1 subject posts that can be enrolled in and unenrolled from very easily, there’s nothing stopping you from using the post as it suits you and then dropping it once you have the course you want. usually this kind of thing isn’t necessary, because subject posts are usually type 1 because there isn’t a high demand, and so everyone who wants to take the course can do it.

however, if in your case, the course in question is really hard to get into, then yeah, you could go ahead and do that. i mean, it’s not very NICE to the people who are properly in the minor program, but no one’s going to CALL YOU OUT on it.

just keep in mind that enrolment in type 1 subject posts is between august and september, so if the course you’re eyeing is in winter 2014, it’s not gonna happen, bud. if it’s being offered next year though, then yeah, go ahead and use your wily ways to your advantage. who knows, you might end up liking the minor so much you’ll actually stay in it!



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