odds are that won't be asked again

i’m late, i’m late, for a very important date


So basically my course has a late penalty of 2% a day including weekend, but the prof doesn’t allow electronic submission and the department of Polisci is closed on weekends and I can’t submit my essay over the weekend earning 4% extra penalty. Can the Prof do this?


hey there DUDE,

great question. it’s always a good idea to keep on top of what your profs are doing, to make sure they don’t try to get up to any SHENANIGANS when you’re not looking. you know how sneaky those profs can be. sneaky, sneaky

unfortunately, uoft has basically given instructors free reign when it comes to late assignments. according to section 8.1 of the academic handbook, profs don’t have to accept late assignments at all if they don’t want to. if they do have a late policy, as long as it’s clear and published in the syllabus, they can basically do whatever they want. the handbook says that “you are allowed wide latitude in…this [late policies],” as long as it’s “fair, equitable and reasonable.” that’s uoft lingo for “NO RULES! GO WILD!”

although to be honest, that’s a pretty standard late policy that you’re describing. most profs include weekends in days that things can be late, even if you can’t actually hand in the work over the weekend. it’s just meant to encourage you to, you know, hand stuff in before the weekend. comprende?

i hope that assignment doesn’t go too horribly, man,


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