
probation explanation replication


So it’s almost the end of this year and I got admitted but on a 3.0 credit restriction (because my grades dropped at the end of grade 12). But after the end of the fall term I dropped a half credit and I was put on osap probation. Yesterday I realized I am probably going to fail calculus so I made a late withdrawal. So obviously this year wasn’t the best for me. On the universities website it says that after attempting 4.0 credits will your academic standing be assessed. So does that mean I won’t be put on academic probation at the end of the spring term? If so will that mean after another attempted credit I will be put on probation (unless I do really well)? Or do they mean that they will assess my standing after 3.0 completed courses. Because I wanna redo calc in summer school, I know I can do better this time I just slacked off for most of the year :(. If it helps both the courses I withdrew from were LWDs for total of 1.5 credits.

Thank you in advance.


hey there,

right, so if you go here and scroll down to ‘Academic Standing,’ you will see that yes, you get assessed after you’ve attempted 4.0 credits. LWDs don’t count as “attempted” courses, so yeah, whenever you get up to the 4.0 credit mark, then you will get assessed. so if you finish this year having attempted 3.0 courses (which i think is what you’re saying?), then the next 1.0 credits you take will bring you up to 4.0, after which point you’ll be assessed. when that happens, if your CGPA is below 1.50, then you will be put on probation.

read up on that document i linked for more information, ’cause i just kinda gave you the cliffnotes version of it. however, yeah, if you’re gonna do a course in the summer, be aware that it’s pretty crucial that you do well. you may want to consider redoing calc in the fall term, because spring courses move twice as quickly and can be kinda soul-destroying and hard to keep up with. if you’re really confident that you can do awesome though, then go ahead. destroy that course and bring up your GPA! whoo. *waves pom-poms*



P.S. This is utsg information. if you’re not on the downtown campus, the information may be different! go here for an explanation of utm’s policy and here for utsc’s.

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