My question is in regards to OSAP. I applied to OSAP got my signing papers in the mail but now no one will cosign for me. Since I am 18 can I sign for myself as an individual and if so would I have to apply again or sign my signature on the paper I got in the mail never mind my parents and send it back to them? Let me know as soon as possible! The application deadline is soon!!!?
hey there,
i just wanna remind y’all that there is no guarantee that i can answer your question right away! i’ll always get to your question within two weeks’ time, but i can’t make any further promises than that – and?i want to be honest with you?dudes. so please, if you have a time-sensitive question, call the appropriate uoft number?right away.
as to your question, the parent signature pages have to be signed by your parent/spouse/guardian (whichever one applies to you), unfortunately.
good luck to ya,
P.S. by the way, if you’re in grade 12 and applying to OSAP for the first time, may i suggest the incredibly helpful (and surprisingly well-produced) fastanswers YouTube channel.?they’ll be releasing an episode about OSAP this coming week!
Your link doesn’t work. I think you need to add http:// in front.
Gosh darn! Thanks for catching that, dude. I’ve added it now.