What is the Cognitive science program like? What’s the difference between a BA and BSc in Cognitive Science?
hey there,
good question. why are there two programs at all, one might ask. to be honest, i like how many strange and wonderful programs there are at this school. it feels like the whole world of knowledge is nestled right into downtown toronto.
alright, enough wistful musing and down to the nitty-gritty.
it turns out that they’re actually very similar. both programs have unlimited enrolment, and both have 8.0 required?credits over the four years of your degree. the cog. sci. B.Sc. is just a little bit more math-heavy than the B.A: in first year, the Science stream will take MAT135H1 and MAT136H1, while the Arts stream will take LIN100Y1. in second year, the Science stream is required to take two stats courses and one psych course, while the Arts stream is required to take two psych courses and one stats course. you can take a look at each individual requirement on your own time, but you get the idea.
normally, i try to drill it into people to focus only on the courses and programs that they want to take. don’t worry about the ‘prestige’ of the program or school or degree. you bring the prestige, because you’re a boss.
in this case though, since both programs are so similar, i’d recommend you give some thought to whether you’d like to graduate with a B.A. or a B.Sc. d’you want to pursue graduate studies in science? if so, the B.Sc. may be a better fit for you. give it a think.
if you’re really indecisive, maybe cover the first year requirements for both programs, and then at the end of first year, make a decision based on which courses you liked best (assuming you are actually a first-year)!
also, you can read about the program more generally here?or on cognitive science’s website.
good look friend,
P.S. LOOK AT MY TITLE!! LOOK AT THE PUN I MADE!!! askastudent, more like ask-and-AMAZE-a-student.