• probation,  suspension

    supposed scarborough suspension

    Hi there
    I’m a second year student and flunked my first year courses. I ended up with a horrible gpa way below 1.6 and was put on probation. I’ve completed the fall session and ended up with a sessional gpa below 1.6 again. I haven’t received any messages or emails stating I’m suspended as of now so I’m confused since thought a student on probation who doesn’t reach the 1.6 sgpa is automatically suspended. Also my cgpa won’t be able to reach the 1.5 requirement by the end of this year so will that lead to suspension/explosion? I’ve read the utsc rules for probation but couldn’t find how long it can last or what is its maximum.
    I know if your put on probation twice it’s a problem so as of now am I since my gpa was below 1.6 this semester?


    hey there,

    this e-mail was sent in december, so hopefully someone has gotten in touch with you by now, but if not: you need to talk to your registrar’s office about this. if you failed to get a sessional GPA of 1.60 while on probation, you will be suspended according to utsc’s rules.

    if no one has gotten in touch with you, you need to contact your registrar’s office and ask. they can let you know if/when you’ll be suspended, and what the next steps are.



  • probation

    a little more time than you bargained for

    Hi i had a question about academic probation at utm. The past year ive had a lot of personal problems which has been impacting me quite a lot and becuase of it my school work was being affected. I am currently on academic probation with a gpa of 1.07. Do you think it would be possible to bring it up to 1.7 by the end of the semseter? i am currently taking 1.5 courses fall courses and have an average of about 65 in all of them. Do you think i can avoid being suspended and bringing up my gpa? help!


    hey there,

    two things:

    1. i have no way of knowing whether you can bring up your average. even assuming that you finish the semester with a 65% average (which is not guaranteed), i don’t know how many courses you’ve taken so far, so i have no way of calculating, hypothetically, how 1.5 credits will impact your CGPA. i think that you’re doing well so far if you’re getting a 65% across the board, but you’re going to have to calculate your own hypotheticals. if you need a little bit of help with that, i would highly recommend this GPA calculator kindly provided by UTSC.
    2. however, the most important thing to remember is that your suspension will be reevalued at the end of term, not the end of the semester – that’s in April, not December. so regardless of what happens now, you have a little bit more time to get your GPA up. so keep up the good work into next semester, and remember to check in with your registrar’s office, TA’s/instructors, or the many academic resources available to you.

    good luck! may the new year bring you good vibes and great marks.



  • probation

    probation, and a laborious metaphor involving roads

    Hey, I’m in a really bad situation. I just completed first year and I’m on academic probation. I failed a course in? the winter term and then took it in the summer and failed it again. I need this course for my program though. What do I do?


    hey there,

    i know you’re probably feeling stressed right now. you’re probably thinking that everything is going downhill, that you can’t catch a break, and other gently empathetic Canadian colloquialisms (your…poutine is…soggy? you’ve reached your last moose? why don’t we have more explicitly Canadian phrases about disappointment?).

    however, i would urge you not to think about this as a failure (to put it into harsher words).

    being on probation is not failing. even failing a class is not failing*.

    a much more accurate way of looking at it, i think, is as a crossroads. you have reached a point in your life when you’re being asked to make a decision that will impact the quality of your life.

    the smartest thing you can do is use your probation as a time to reflect and make a decision that will be the best for you and the life you want to live *cue inspirational music stolen from the Eat, Pray, Love movie*

    so, you have a few options:

    1. you can retake the course. since you haven’t passed the course, you can add it yourself on ACORN.

    if you decide to do this, it’s probably a good idea to look into some services at the university that can help you pass the course. your college writing centre, any of the university’s math aid centres, and the various resources and programs available at the academic success centre may be helpful to you.

    and then there’s the standard stuff that’s just good practice if you want to avoid taking the course a fourth time: attend lectures/tutorials consistently, go to your instructor’s/T.A.’s office hours with questions or for feedback, do your reading ahead of time or do practice questions on a regular basis (as the course dictates), and, for the love of all that is good and right, don’t sleep through your exam.

    2. you can not retake the course and start looking into different programs.

    if this course is a prerequisite for a program, that means that there’s a lot more of whatever-the-failed-course-is coming your way. think about whether you actually want that.

    do you want to dedicate your entire academic career to something you find so difficult? how much do you enjoy the course content? do you find the work you put into it worthwhile? is it rewarding? these are all things you should think about seriously before deciding you want to retake the course a third time.

    thinking baby


    academic probation is an opportunity to reflect on your experiences

    3. you can think about taking a break from school.

    this is going to depend on a lot of things i don’t know about you – how the rest of your academic history looks, whether you have any external circumstances affecting your ability to commit yourself to school, whether you have the means to take a year off (to work, recuperate, etc.).

    however, i think it’s always something to think about. you should never be at university out of habit. you should only ever be here because you 100%, really want to be here.

    regardless of what you decide, i HIGHLY RECOMMEND you talk with your registrar’s office about it before making a decision. you know when i’m being serious because i used all caps. see that up there? that’s all caps.

    all the very best,


    * i mean, it?is.?technically speaking. but i’m talking about the bigger picture, y’know?

  • probation

    well, we can’t both be wrong

    So, things went kinda bad for me last year, I ended up dropping a couple?courses and landed on academic probation. I know you’re only allowed to?take 3.0 credits on probation, but my question is, will there be any?consequence if I don’t stick to the 1.5 each semester suggestion? I know?the suggestion is to ease stress and make it easier to do well in the?courses so you can get off probation, but three of the 0.5 credit courses I?want to take are only available in first semester, along with the one 1.0?credit course I would be taking all year and one 0.5 credit course in?second semester. Will I be blocked from doing that? Or will me academic?adviser just discourage it? Because I really see no other way.

    Thanks so much.


    hey there,

    either i’ve missed something major, or you?have, because i can’t find any rule – on any of the three campuses – that says you can only take 3.0 credits/year while on probation.

    on the downtown campus, the maximum number of courses you can take per semester is five (see “Academic Standing“). at UTSC, the limit is four per semester.

    i can’t figure out what the limit is at UTM – it seems like it’s 5.0 per year but they’ve got some finicky wording going on that’s confusing me. in any case, i don’t see anywhere that the limit is 3.0.

    so either you’re just MAKING STUFF UP, or you’re WRONG, OR this is a special circumstance that falls outside the regular rules.

    i’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the latter: if?your course restrictions are part of a special limitation from your?faculty that is specific to you, then there’s not much advice i can give you. your college/faculty registrar’s office has gotta be much more dialled in about your situation?than i am – so you’d better talk to them about it.?and if they do advise you against a lopsided?course load, then?listen to them, for goodness’ sake.

    if you DON’T have any special limitations,?then you’re just wrong. haha. (but seriously, double-check the probation course regulations on your faculty/campus).

    good luck with it,


  • probation

    no one wants to hear about first year, including grad schools

    I’m thinking of returning to U of T now that my three-year suspension has ended, but as I did so poorly before, I’m trying to figure out how far I’ll be able to progress in the future! I’m a second year student (8 credits) with a 1.22 cumulative GPA, and while I believe I can bring it up, I fiddled around with this calculator (http://gpacalculator.net/how-to-raise-gpa/) and it seems that even if I were to average a 4.0 from now on (positive thinking!), it would be difficult to raise my CGPA just to 3.0 (and that’s the best case scenario).

    How important is your CGPA (at least your early CGPA) down the road? Does U of T’s grad school typically look at your entire academic history, or are the last two years their main focus? I’m thinking ahead and wondering if I might want to go to U of T’s cinema studies grad programme for an M.A., but the page (http://sites.utoronto.ca/cinema/MAprogram.html) says “Minimum” *B+* standing, demonstrated by an average grade in the final year, or over senior courses”. Does this mean B+/3.33ish as an annual GPA or as a CGPA? And even if I do meet the minimum requirements, will they take one look at my terrible early academic history and run away screaming???


    hey there,

    it’s not often i get to give out good news on this website, you know. some say it’s turned me into a bitter, hateful old witch, but i think it’s spawned my own special brand of offbeat charm.

    regardless, it’s times like this, when i actually get to give good news, that i particularly cherish. they’re little gems of hope in a river of let-downs and disappointments.

    that quote you pulled means that cinema studies will only be looking at your ‘senior courses’ i.e. mainly 400-level courses to make admissions decisions for the M.A. program. for most people, that translates strictly to your final year (and maybe parts of your third year). which is great news! finally!

    yes, after a 3-year suspension, it must be daunting to get back up on your feet and once more tackle the beast that is academia. however, if you can muster a really exceptional average for your last year, then you’ve got a real chance for that master’s program. i doubt they will look at your first two years, but even if they do, they will be encouraged by the massive improvement that you’ve made.

    so don’t worry about your first year. it will not be the death knell of your grad school application. as long as you work hard and strive to do better in your senior years, that’s all you need.

    remember to take advantage of the writing centre and your TAs’/profs’ office hours to make the very best of your courses. your registrar’s office is also always available for any bumps in the road.




    P.S. GPA scales work slightly differently from university to university, so if you’re going to be using a GPA calculator, you may as well use the one actually created by uoft itself.

  • engineering,  probation

    probation station 2: engineers gone wild

    Hello, I’m a second year ece student. I was not able to get a 60% average this semester so I became a PRO2 student. So sadly I cannot continue to 3rd year and I’m supposed to withdraw for 8 months (I can start again in the winter term). So I lose a year. My question is what would be the most beneficial path to take?

    I filed a petition so uft would let me take those electives required by my faculty. I started looking for jobs and I applied to IBM. My cgpa is really low 1.77 so I doubt I’ll get in. What do you suggest I do? I don’t have any real work experience. I’m gonna list the options that I see right now and you can add to them or alter them.

    1) If the petition is granted, I can take the elective courses and make 3rd year and 4th year a bit easier.

    2) Work in an engineering company to get the 600 hours done (the problem with this choice is I’m not sure if its realistic, If I can use the 3 summer months to gain enough experience or to do beneficial things to make this choice possible, then I would do it, Sub questions: is it possible for me to get an engineering job? What would be a better alternative? What other ways can I finish my 600 hours without losing more time? I was planning to do a pey year but now I don’t want to because my degree will?take (4 + 1 repeated year + pey year = 6 total years) instead of (4 + pey year = 5 total years). If i can finish my 600 hours I can still finish my degree in a total of 5 years. Does it have to be an engineering job to receive hours? Where can I find work in this area (I looked at some
    websites that uft provide, any more you know of, other options etc)?

    3) Work in a retail/fast food to gain work experience

    4) Take training courses so i can be a better candidate for engineering jobs

    Any advice is appreciated, there are many choices and I don’t know which one to focus on and which one is realistic.


    hey there,

    1) if your petition is granted, then yeah, it would be nice to take some electives and make things a bit easier on yourself. on the other hand, if you fail to get a above a 60% average in the next term, you won’t be invited for readmission. meaning that the next term you take is going to be absolutely crucial.

    i’d strongly consider talking to your registrar’s office for advice before you make a decision – about your petition, about jobs, about school in general. they can help you figure out your next steps.

    that might include visiting the academic success centre, or CAPS, or any of a myriad of other resources available on campus. however, i cannot overstate how important an academic advisor is in helping you plan those next steps.

    all in all, you want to work on making your situation as optimal as possible for when you come back to school. your registrar can help you do that.

    2)/3) from what i can tell, it looks like the 600 hours do not have to be in a job specific to engineering. in all the descriptions i’ve read, they’re very careful about remaining vague about the type of job that’s allowed.

    as long as the job “contain[s] a good measure of responsibility (e.g., management of programs, systems, equipment, personnel or finances), sound judgment and effective communication,” it should be fine. that’s an exceptionally vague description, so i’m sure lots of non-engineering jobs qualify. the site even specifies that “[w]ork in many facets of industry, government or public service would be acceptable for this requirement.

    so there are probably some non-engineering jobs that will qualify – though i’m sure not all of them will. you may want to double check any likely candidates with the engineering career centre.

    as for where to look: CLN’s job board is pretty good – so is its engineering counterpart. linkedin is another great resource. then you’ve got your general job posting sites like indeed, monster, etc. if there are any specific companies you’re interested in, you may want to keep a tab on their careers page in case anything comes up.

    i can’t tell you which jobs you should be applying for – i’m afraid i just don’t know enough about the field. however, this is another thing that would be great to bring up at a meeting with your registrar. they can take a look at your transcript and discuss what would be feasible/beneficial for you right now.

    4) maybe, but i have no idea what courses would actually be useful. the way i see it, your academics are the most important thing right now, and planning out a road map with – you guessed it – your registrar, is the absolute best next step.

    best of luck with all this. i know how tough this must be; engineering is no walk in the park, regardless of your GPA. don’t lose hope, though. you’ll get through it, and you’ll end up with a solution that you’re happy with and excited about.

    all the best,


  • probation

    but i didn’t even take any courses!

    During this semester I fell under a 1.5, just barely. I was reading through how probation and suspension work and I’m very confused about one thing. It says one’s standing is addressed at the end of each term. I, however, am international and will not be able to participate in the summer session due to family circumstances. Will my standing be addressed at the end of the Summer session even if I do not participate? I would imagine not, but the way the university site words it doesn’t really clear this up.

    Thank-you for any help you can offer.


    hey there,

    that’s a very good question. it’s always best to ask about these things if the wording is confusing to you (and goodness knows, uoft jargon is often confusing).

    however, if you do not attempt ANY credits in the summer session, then your standing won’t be assessed. your standing is only assessed in any sessions where you took at least 0.5 credits with a grade attached to them.

    so if you CR/NCR every course you took in a session, for example, or if you don’t take any courses at all, your academic standing WILL NOT be assessed. your academic standing will just remain the same.



  • probation

    probation alteration

    Hi! So I am a little worried as to how this works but, it says that if you have ATTEMPTED 4.0 credits and received a CGPA of 1.5 or less, you will be placed on academic probation. However, I took about 4.5 credits at the beginning of the year, and I ended up dropping two 0.5 credits, resulting in only having 3.5 credits. Will I still be placed on probation if my CGPA is less than 1.5? Thanks!


    hey there,

    so, the rule used to be that your academic standing was assessed after you attempted 4.0 credits, but that rule changed recently. starting Fall 2014, your academic standing started being assessed after any term in which you receive a final standing (i.e. a grade) in at least 0.5 credits.

    so unless you credit/no-credited every single course you took, your academic standing for Fall/Winter 2014-2015 will be assessed and you’ll be placed on academic probation if your CGPA is below a 1.5.

    just remember: probation is not the end of the world, and as long as you can get your CGPA above a 1.50 in the term you’re on probation, you’ll be back on track.

    good luck!


    P.S. this is all assuming you’re a UTSG student because WHY would the campuses ever CONSIDER unifying their rules about these things when they can make really finicky regulations that are all different from each other. lol.

  • probation,  UTSC

    probe a shun

    I am a life science student at UTSC and have almost completed first year. As of now my CGPA is 1.47. I realized that this is not adequate in order to complete the Life Science program. If i want to switch in to Management (Accounting program) what is the minimum average or GPA I should maintain? Is there any possible way that I could increase my current GPA? Please advice?



    hey there,

    if your CGPA is a 1.47, that means that you’ll be on academic probation in the next term that you take classes. ‘what’s academic probation???’ i hear you ask. well, when you are on academic probation, you have one term to get your CGPA above a 1.60 and be in good standing. otherwise, you’ll be suspended for one year. and no one wants that. so, what can you do about it?

    there are plenty of resources available to increase your GPA. in fact, utsc requires that you use them at least once when you are on probation, but i’d recommend taking full advantage of them. the Academic Advising & Career Centre is a great starting point, and if you’d like help with specific courses, why not check out the Writing Centre or the Math and Statistics Learning Centre?

    you probably wouldn’t be able to enter into management just yet. you need to have completed 4.0 FCEs (including certain management courses) and admission is competitive. what you can do is spend the next year working on getting the prerequisites* you need to apply for a management POSt.

    if you take advantage of the resources around you and work hard to improve, you can definitely kick that probation to the curb.

    best of luck with it,


    * “Courses completed must include MGTA01H3, MGTA02H3, MGEA02H3, MGEA06H3,MATA32H3, and MATA33H3. MATA32H3 and MATA33H3 are strongly recommended, however MATA30H3/A31H3 and MATA35H3/A36H3/A37H3 may also be used to satisfy the calculus requirement.

  • probation,  UTSC

    probation gestation

    I’m a student in UTSC, and I’m currently on Academic Probation continuing from 2 semester again. If I achieve less than 1.60 on the FALL term, will I be suspended for 4 months? Or will I only be suspended after the WINTER term is assessed? Please answer!
    Thank you.


    hey there,

    this is worth saying once in a while, and i haven’t said it for a bit, so here goes:

    as much as i wish we were, askastudent is not a professional, full-time department within the university of toronto. also, the “student” part of askastudent means that we can’t always answer things right away.

    says right here that it can take up to two weeks, and that’s because we need to take time to, y’know, pass our classes and stuff. so if you’ve got a SUPER URGENT inquiry, always go to the appropriate uoft office first. they work a lot more hours to be able to get back to you faster.

    onto your question.

    UTSC’s timeline operates in terms of sessions, like UTSG. however, unlike UTSG, scarborough is divided into three sessions: fall, winter and summer.

    academic standing is assessed at the end of every session, so if you were on probation for the fall session, your standing would have been assessed at the end of the fall session. if your GPA fell below 1.60 in the fall, then you’re “liable for suspension or refusal of further registration” for the winter term.

    but you should have received an e-mail from your school about the exact terms of your suspension if you were suspended, so if you didn’t, i would e-mail the utsc registrar’s office and ask about it.



  • probation

    term is an ambiguous term

    Hey aska,
    I’m concerned that my gpa from this semester won’t be so great, but my courses next semester are more my speed and should boost it. If I fall below the 1.5 gpa this semester, but bring my gpa back by the end of the year, will I still be in poor academic standing?


    hey there,

    i don’t often say this, but?good question. and the answer is: no. academic standing (in the faculty of arts & science at utsg) is determined at the end of a term, and here, there are only two terms: summer and fall/winter. so the next time your academic standing will be determined is in april. at that point, if your CGPA is below a 1.50, you’ll be put on academic probation. otherwise, you’ll be in good standing.

    so you’ve got FOUR MONTHS to redeem myself. best of luck to you, fellow soldier.



  • probation

    the registrar’s office is your favourite place

    so last year i failed two courses and they were the only ones i was taking. i have assumed that i am on academic probation, however i was never notified that i am on academic probation. what does this mean? does this mean that since i never received a credit for either course that it doesn’t warrant probation? i’m currently successfully enrolled in a bunch of courses. i don’t understand what is going on.
    cheers x


    hey there,

    i’m thinking you’re probably on academic probation (you’re allowed to be enrolled in courses when you’re on probation).

    however, the rules related to determining academic standing have changed recently in the faculty of arts & science, and they’re different in different uoft faculties and between the three campuses, and since you didn’t give me ANNNYYYYY context about where you’re from, there are a whole bunch of factors which mean that you may or may not currently be on probation.

    you know what the best thing to do would be? can you guess it? can you guess what i’m about to say?


    yep! you guessed it! go and have a nice chat with your registrar’s office. i would link to where your registrar’s office is located and a handy phone number you can reach them at, but i don’t know where you go to school. so. just use this, i guess.



  • probation,  suspension

    suspended from school – but not from LIFE

    Hi, I’m currently a student who just came off academic suspension. I’ve been attending all my classes but I haven’t gotten any grades for anything yet because my current classes are full year courses. However, I’m starting to get anxiety again. I’m scared I won’t be able to bring up my CGPA by next semester and will be suspended once again for 3 years. That has been on my mind a lot lately and it’s starting to make me depressed. My question is if a person is suspended will I be able to apply to a college? Or do I have to wait three years. I know it have a chance to do well and I need to work hard, but having that 3 year suspension idea is really eating away at me. And have people gotten off academic probation after a one year suspension? Help! Thanks.


    hey there,

    sure, people have gotten off probation after a one year suspension. it’s very possible. i don’t have any specific stats, but not everyone who has a one year suspension then goes on to be suspended for three years.

    the important thing is to establish a network of academic support at the university that can help you stay on track – if you do that, i’d say you have a good chance of getting off probation.

    suspension only restricts you from re-registering in the Faculty, but it doesn’t prevent you from taking classes elsewhere. of course, if you do apply to a college and they ask for your uoft transcript, it may be a good idea to explain why you were suspended, because the fact of your suspension may impact your admission to that college.

    however, it’s by no means not allowed, and if you are admitted to a college, you’re free to take classes there while you’re suspended at uoft. just keep in mind that any college courses you take while on suspension can’t be used as transfer credits to uoft.

    best of luck,
