
an optimistic suspense

Hi! I got suspended for a year at UofT, but I know it will be a good opportunity to help me discover my passion. Can I still attend all of my courses and purchase like textbooks? My goal this year is to discover my learning skill, and improve my habits. I’m very positive and optimistic, I am going to still get involved. I’m going to boost my GPA next september, and study my passion.


hey there,

this is an amazing attitude to have, and i admire it. you have absolutely focused in on the two most important things coming off suspension:

  1. learning study skills and developing habits that will help you become a better student
  2. doing some self-reflection about what you want at university, so that if you decide to come back, it will be doing something you enjoy and can be successful in.

some of this stuff you can do in discussion with the school, but you do need to understand that you can’t be in school while you’re on suspension.

technically, you can purchase textbooks from the uoft bookstore (or bob miller, etc.) regardless of whether you’re a student. attending classes, not so much. in fact, you are not allowed to enrol in courses – at uoft or elsewhere – while you are on suspension.

however, that doesn’t mean that you should or have to check out entirely. i do recommend that you make an appointment with your faculty/college registrar’s office to figure out a game plan. they can help you figure out what you should be doing in your year off, and which opportunities you should pursue.

best of luck with it, and hope to see you back soon!


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