and still there never seems to be/a single penny left for me/that’s too baa-ad!

Hey there!

So I recently got my UTAPS funding and ended up with about $2000. What’s weird is a couple of my friends say they got just over $7000. Now the only difference between our OSAP information is I reported an income of $5000 in the summer. I know these grants are not suppose to be at a 1 to 1 ratio (right?) but it clearly looks like it is. Kind of feels like I worked for free in the summer and I was just wondering if there is anything I can do about this situation.

Thanks in advance!


hey there,

listen, a $5000 income in the summer is going to have an effect on your funding. i don’t know exactly how financial aid is calculated because it depends on a lot of factors, none of which i have access to or know about you.

what i would do is go to enrolment services and ask if you could sit down with someone and talk about why you got the funding you did. another option would be your college registrar – there, you can inquire about bursaries or grants that may be available at the college level to top you up.

these options may both end in, “sorry, you’re not getting another cent,” BUT it’s always worth asking. after all, i would never have found out that cats and dogs didn’t pee out of their tails without asking about it. (i was in elementary school when i made this particular discovery, by the way – i haven’t been walking around in my twenties without a working knowledge of animal tails. heaven forbid.)



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