computers,  first year

what to bring on the first day of school

i’m a first year student, and have a quick question on what to bring to UNIVERSITY on my first day?(i know, lame right?)
BOOKS!(duh) and paper? or LAPTOP? pens? or LAPTOP? I’m in politcal science. I’ve asked my friends, they say a laptop is a MUST, however, some say they dont bother because its a distraction, but i don’t want to look stupid with a notebook and a pen when everyone else is using a laptop, or when i have a laptop and everyone else is using a notebook and pen. I need to know because, my laptop is heavy too, hehe. Thanks!


First of all don’t worry about looking stupid – you didn’t come to this big fancy university for nothing, right?

On the issue of laptop vs. pen and paper – that is a personal and political choice. More students have laptops than pen and paper nowadays, but the pen and paper is still a very popular choice. I guess it depends on how much materials you want to lug around with you. If you have to bring multiple textbooks and course readers, plus a laptop, you might be very tired and sore at the end of a long day of lectures. But if you’re in the midst of writing a paper at the library, a laptop might be a good thing.

The downside of a laptop is that the power might run out before the lecture is over and then you’ll be stuck. The upside of a pen and paper is that they’re pretty light and handy, but you might have terrible handwriting like me.

I’d say if you can, invest in a quality backpack and bring both. Then you’ve got the best of both worlds, Hannah Montana style, and you can use one if the other craps out on you.

Other good things to bring for the first day of school are a bottle of water, an organizer, a bike and some kind of light snack between lectures.

Also remember to stop worrying what other people think of you. You’re in university now!

xoxo, Askastudent

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