colleges,  innis,  residence

beware the gpa secret police…gpasp, or gapsp

I got into Innis and it was my first choice. However, I have been hearing that their snootiness is only rivaled by Trinity because entrance is based to marks only.
Is any of that true?
How does Innis pick it’s members?
Thanks a lot.

ooh, good question. while innis picks its members solely on academic status (and probably the coolness of your first name), the college itself is incredibly laid back and relatively friendly. where you’ll come into trouble is the residence environment, which can occasionally tend to be ruled by members of something askastudent likes to call, “the GPA secret police”.
don’t be sucked into the spapg if you can avoid it. this brutal rat-pack of academic monitoring has only one mission: to make other students feel guilty/ashamed of their performance in school. if possible, they will badger you about what marks you are getting in class, and give you dirty looks when you slip out to see blue velvet at the bloor. ignore them. they will be collecting star wars action figures when they’re 33 and spend friday nights alone polishing their degree while you’re off writing for the new yorker in like – europe or something.
seriously though, every college has cool and lame people, just like your high school probably did. become friends with whoever’s hair-cut you identify with the most (just kidding) and have a great year!
cheers, askastudent

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