innis,  residence,  second degree

missing the boat (and common living space)

i was admitted to the innis college and was contemplating whether i should live
on residence. i have decided but its now june 23 and i want to know whether or
not it is too late now to apply?

uh, yeah it is.
the initial time to accept your offer was probably something like early june and now all the residence slots have been given out to those exceptional keeners that make up approx. 95% of the innis residence community. you could try emailing the innis residence at (they’re super prompt on answering emails) to put you on a waitlist in case anyone decides that majoring in literary studies was a dumb idea after all, but chances are, that waitlist is pretty filled up as is.

this is why sometimes you gotta stick to a decision and go with it. as my mother says, “live and learn, live and learn”.

for other housing options, check out the U of T housing center. while you won’t have regular mexican themed suite events, sometimes this is for the best.

cheers, askastudent

One Comment

  • Angelo22

    this is the coolest place ever! After visiting all kinds of sites, I figured out that this one is the most interesting

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