frosh,  getting involved,  keeners,  university-college

the more successful people you know, the more lawyers you can blackmail 10 years from now

Hi! I’m newly admitted student and received an invitation for the conference My Definition, do you think it’s worth visiting? Thanks

I spoke the the organizer of My Definition.  Apparently, the conference is very much leadership based, and focused on commuter students.  Because living in residence affords students plenty of opportunity to get involved, the conference tries to give commuter students the same opportunity, albeit in a more direct fashion.  this means motivational speakers, leadership seminars, and hopefully a little bit of strip poker at the end of the night so everyone can relax.  though i’ve always been skeptical of being taught to be a leader, the conference still makes sense if you’re thinking of getting involved, since you’ll be getting to know a lot of student leaders, and potentially like-minded keener individuals.

If you’re into getting involved, this sounds like a worthwhile thing.  Use it as a chance to practice hitting on other university students before the terrors of frosh week.


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