religion,  st. mike's

the magician’s nephew beats Harry Potter any day…..burn.

hey what have u heard about the christianity and culture program offered at St
Mikes??? thanks!

i talked to a few different people, including my boss, who majored in it when the program started…which was the early 1980s, so a lot has changed.  the program actually sounds extremely interesting, with students discussing matters of (surprise) culture, politics, history, philosophy, etc. as they relate to the huge impact of Christianity.  the program is host to some extremely dedicated students; this is one of those programs where the learning itself is a motivating factor for future learning.  rather than be limited to religious Christian students, students from a wide variety of backgrounds are in the program.  overall, it sounds really good…i wish i had taken some of the classes myself.  maybe i could even get permission to write an essay on narnia!

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