
good for you for not going into every course blind like i do

Hey Aska! I was wondering, is there anywhere where we can see breakdowns of course workloads? e.g. “In Course A, students will write 2 analyses, make 1 presentation, and complete a final exam”. I’d just like to have an idea of how busy I will be next year (and if I could pull off taking 5.5 credits). Also your answers have been super helpful and I am learning lots, so thank you for running this blog! 🙂


hey there,

there is! what you’re looking for is a syllabus. you’ll be provided with a syllabus for each course you take during the first week of classes, either electronically or in person, and usually, the course instructor will go over it with the class and explain everything. you can see the kind of information the instructor will provide on their syllabus here.

however, if you want to see all that stuff now, it may be tricky. some departments provide syllabi from previous terms (for example, here’s the Fall 2013 syllabus for ENV333H1). you can go snooping around google/the websites of the departments offering your courses to see if they have some up, but unfortunately it’s kind of a hit and miss, depending on the department.

as for whether you can pull off 5.5 credits, it may be a good idea to make an appointment with your college registrar’s office to discuss it. they have a pretty good idea of the workload in each course, and how much students can handle before they crack.

good luck!


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