
horror stories

I’ve heard horror stories of people getting their acceptances taken away What is the average that causes it to be taken away?


hey there,

ahh, the ‘horror story’ strikes again. let me tell you something about the things students tell to other students: they’re usually crap.

like, people don’t tell stories because they want to spread useful information. they tell stories to feel better about themselves, and also to SHOCK and TERRIFY other people for kicks.

here’s the real story: you won’t get a final offer of admission if your final marks fail to meet your conditional offer of admission. your conditional offer of admission usually just says that you have to meet the program requirements, but you can read about the specifics in your offer letter.

now, there’s a difference between being competitive enough to get an offer in the first place, and just meeting the requirements.

as you can see, the actual prerequisites just require that you complete a certain amount of courses, and not necessarily that you finish with a certain average. plus, the university says that “[s]econdary school applicants with strong midyear results may be admitted on condition that they complete their academic year successfully.” the important word there is ‘complete.’

if your average dips a little bit, it’s not a big deal. i’d say you should only start to be concerned if it goes down 15%-20% or more, and you start to get into danger of maybe failing a course.

as a general rule, try not to listen when people tell horror stories, okay? it’s all just make-believe.



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