residence,  st. mike's

you just have to be able to stand on your head and say the alphabet backwards in Czech while drinking a gallon of milk

heyo buddy! i’m currently a first year student at u of t in st. mike’s college. i live in the gta and subsequently did not apply for res this year, but i think i wanna move onto res for second year. what are my chances of actually getting into res for next year?


Mighty chipper, aren’t we now.

Sorry to be cranky, but I think that the innis registrar’s office has migraine-inducing computer screens. And I’ll tell you another thing- it’s all part of the big scheme! Call me a conspiracy nut, but I smell an IT coup. Yeah, you heard me… just remember where you first found out about it.

And yes, you can get into rez in your second year. Actually, even those currently living there need to reapply so you’re good to go. Just remember that every college has its own application process. I don’t know what kind of ordeals you have to go to in order to get into St. Mike’s, but you at least get a chance.

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