exchange,  transfer credits

tbh i didn’t know that ‘children’s fashion photographer’ was a thing


I am currently a student at U of T who has some questions about transfer credits. This past year I did an exchange with U of T at Sciences Po in Paris, and there I have greatly developed my career as a children’s fashion photographer, and working very frequently/ and am sought out increasingly in France, Germany, Italy etc and being in Canada be detrimental to my growing career as a top children’s fashion photographer. At the same time I want and find it crucial to complete my studies. My registrar said that I can only do 5 transfer credits (exchange & online) that will count to my degree (I need 5.5-6 more edits to complete it), however I found information on the U of T website that I believe stated you could do a maximum of 10 transfer credits. Do you happen to know anything about this. I am hoping there is a way to complete my degree online as my career and life over here in Europe is thriving.

Thank you very, and all the best.


hey there,

if you want to get a degree at uoft, at least half your credits have to be uoft credits – which, yes, translates to 10.0 FCEs. so that means that all of the transfer credits you have combined – including exchange courses, online courses and transfer credit from high school or other universities, etc. – have to be under 10.0. so that’s one restriction.

the second rule is: if you’re in the faculty or arts & science, the MAXIMUM amount of exchange credits you can have is 7.5 FCEs.

i’m not sure how many transfer credits you have already, but those would be the restrictions you’d have to abide by. also: listen to whatever your registrar said. i guarantee you they’re right.

and hey, if you can’t do all the rest of your degree online, maybe you can just wait a year or two, finish your degree, and then go back to Paris or wherever you need to be. i guarantee Europe will still be there when you’re ready.



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