Hiya, I just enrolled in my courses and I was wondering where and when I could check for the 2015-2016 syllabus?
hey there,
got a keener here, huh? what d’you wanna do with those syllabi? get ahead? HAH. what a ridiculous concept. take it from aska: flying by the seat of your pants and crying the night before things are due is ALWAYS the healthier and saner option. haha.
anyway. you will receive the syllabus for each of your courses during your first class. some of the profs who are a bit more on the ball may upload their syllabus to Portal before the class actually starts.
however, you’re probably not going to be able to see one now, unless you do some snooping around on Google or Portal (under ‘Browsing Courses as a Guest’) for previous years’ syllabi in the courses you’re taking.