hey I’m currently a first year student at utsc (life science if that?matters) and was wondering how hard it would be for me to internally?transfer to utsg for my second year into the health studies program or?criminology without having to start again from first year at utsg. I’m?mostly just wondering how hard is it to just transfer from utsc to utsg?after first year.
The reason why I want to transfer is because utsc doesn’t really offer what?I want in terms of my personal education (not a lot of course?selection/programs) and also that I’ve matured greatly over the summer and?I have realized what I actually want in life vs what my parents want from?me in life.
I’ve heard that in general it’s hard for students from utsc to internally?transfer to utsg. I was wondering (guess I’ve been wondering a lot lately)?if it would be easier for me to just drop out of utsc and use my?high-school grades from grade 12 to reapply to utsg this year or should I?just stay in utsc and transfer to utsg for second year? (If it’s actually?rather easy and what I’ve been hearing are just rumours)
(Okay I’ve just confused my self now with all my wording, I tend to do that?a lot)
Basically I’m trying to avoid starting from first year all over again (if?possible) since I want to transfer from utsc to utsg. However, if it is?indeed harder to internally transfer campuses and be accepted, would It be?better for me to drop out of utsc while I still can and use my high-school?grades to reapply to utsg?
Also if it is highly unlikely for an internal transfer between campus and I?do have to drop out and use my high-school grades for a better chance, is?it possible to enter utsg during the winter term (so something like a?deferred year I guess?) so that I wouldn’t just be at home wasting a whole?year. (if there is something like that, how does it work?)
Thank you so much for reading through my mini essay of complicated?questions.
hey there,
as usual, the answer to this question depends on a whole bunch of factors which i don’t know about you. so, i’m just gonna go through everything you mentioned point by point, and you can connect the dots depending on what your exact situation is.
- is it hard to get into utsg as a transfer student from utsc??
not particularly. at least, i wouldn’t say it’s significantly?easier than getting in from high school.
however, that depends on how good your grades are now, and also which program you want to transfer into.
generally speaking, you need to have at least a B average?to have a reasonably good chance of getting in from another university. is that easy? who knows. it depends on the person. but you can use that ‘B’ average as a benchline to figure out where you stand.
you would also need to fulfil any program prerequisites for the program you’re applying to. some programs have more prerequisites, and some have fewer, so that will affect the process as well.
you can take a look at the first-year requirements for health studies here, and for criminology here, and you can figure out if any of your courses could count as transfer credit for those prerequisites here.
2. should you just quit university and apply again from scratch??
i mean, you?could, if that’s what you wanted to do. you’re in charge of your own life. if you feel like you have more worthwhile things to be doing this year other than going to school, or you’re not ready or excited for school, then by all means, take that time off. do what is important to you.
but DON’T just take the year off because you think it will give you a better chance at getting into uoft again next year. it will likely be a smarter move to stay in school, do as well as you can, and then apply to transfer with a strong first year.
3. will you just have to do first year again??
highly unlikely. most people who transfer get at least some transfer credits from their first year of university – even if you’re changing?from life sci. to criminology.
you cannot defer your offer at this point. you also cannot come into utsg in the winter term. since the downtown campus has a lot of year-long classes, the only time you can enter is in the Fall term.
if you need more information or just want to mull this over a bit more with someone (which i always recommend), then drop by your registrar’s office.