petition,  suspension

uoft part 2: less getting lost, more getting winning

Hi ,

So I was a student who got admitted to U of T ( in September 2013, on academic probation , cause for one of my high school courses I performed about 2 % below what was required on my conditional offer. Anyways , after coming to U of T, I got a little overwhelmed, and I am not joking when I say that I missed alot of classes cause I would just get lost. And Some other personal issues that had been going on came up . Long story short, At the end of my first year I ended up failing 6 out the 7
courses I took , and was put on suspension. So I freaked out didn’t tell anyone , including my parents. And basically I pretended I was going to school all year even though I wasn’t . This obviously put alot of stress on me and worsened my problems. So in the summer of 2015, I came back and took 2 courses , and failed them both. And so I was suspended for 3 years. I decided at this point that I obviously couldn’t keep this hidden from my parents. So I told them. and I started taking courses at ryerson in the Chang school . I am also now getting help for my mental illness, and I am feeling great and doing well in the courses. My question was that can I petition at the end of this school year to have my suspension lifted early, on the basis that I have solved my problems, and I am doing well in the ryerson courses, and have a part-time job. I have read some places that it wont work unless you were getting medical help during the time you were suspended. What are my chances of the petition being accepted, if I can prove I am better , and doing well in university level courses, even if they are at Ryerson.



hey there,

i’m sorry to hear you had a bumpy start to your degree at uoft, but i’m glad to hear you are doing better now!

after consulting with my MYSTERIOUS ALL-KNOWING SOURCES, i have divined that the fact that you are a) doing well in university courses and b) getting help with your mental health (provided you have documentation to support this) are both great supports to justify your return to uoft.

however, my source warned me that the petitions committee is unlikely to allow you to come back so early. if you last took courses one year ago and you’re on a three-year suspension, you’ll have to do some pretty hard convincing to get them to let you back two years early.

that being said, if you really do feel ready to come back, you can still contact your college registrar to submit a petition, and hope for the best. the worst they can do is say no, and you can always try again in a year’s time.



One Comment

  • Siddharth


    I am going through a similar situation (3 year suspension). I wanted to know what courses you took at the Chang school?
    Help a brother out.

    I hope you the best.

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