
$20 for palm reading

I’m in my first year, and looking to transfer from UTSC to UTSG. However, I failed one of my courses :'( and right now my GPA is probably around 3.36 ish. Is there a possibility I can still get in? Do they look individually at each course or collectively?


hey there,

i would say there is still a possibility. a 3.36 is a B+, which is above the minimum mark you need to be competitive if you’re transferring from another university. there is no explicit minimum CGPA for an internal transfer, but given the standard applied to external transfers, i’d say that’s a competitive CGPA.

as for how they assess your marks, the main considerations are CGPA and program prerequisites. if the course you failed is a prerequisite for the program you applied to, that may present a problem. if it’s a course that will be largely irrelevant to the program you’ve applied to and the rest of your transcript looks pretty good, then i’d say your chances are much better. like, if you failed first-year econ and got 80s in your French courses and you’re transferring to French, admissions is more likely to downplay the importance of the econ course.

as always, i’m not involved in the admissions process, so all of this is based on careful reading of uoft websites and what i’ve picked up over the years. there are many factors that go into deciding whether or not to admit someone, and you may receive a decision that contravenes what i’ve said in this post. except it won’t be contravening it, because of this disclaimer: i am not a 100% accurate predictor of admissions decisions. i’m more like a fortune teller with a neon sign who works on yonge street: lots of practice means i will sometimes get things right, but not always.



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