
breaking news: tv sitcoms are not real

how come the professor never built a boat to get off gilligan’s island?!? he could build houses and satellites, but not a boat?!?

keen eye my good friend. i too have wondered about the professors idiocy. i just doesn’t add up. so i went to the source at a gilligan’s island site. and as it turned out, after the site designer finally got back to me, there was no definitive answer. it had been theorized that the professor, who held 6 degrees (chem, botany, bio, etc.) didn’t hold an engineering degree so was unable to build a boat that would get them across the tumultuous seas from whence they came. he did not actually build the houses on the island, i guess maybe gilligan made em’ while being bitch slapped by the skipper.
of course…there’s always the other answer. they wouldn’t have had a damn show had they gotten off the island. in fact, even when they did finally get off the bloody island they went back and opened a copa cabana style getaway (which may have been the worst feature length film ever produced.)
so which ever answer keeps you warm and happy in bed at night, go with that one.

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