OSAP,  probation


Hello again! It’s me the 5th to 6th student (you replied to me using a Gosling Gif!)

So I’m a little worried about OSAP now. Thanks for clarifying that I can do a 6th year. I was put on OSAP probation bc of my performance in 4th yr and it seems I’m getting to my goal of getting off the probation this year.

I’m just wondering if i would be put on OSAP probation again because of the line in the new OSAP Academic Progress Form:

“You can be placed on OSAP probation if you drop below the required course load, or if you do not pass a  sufficient number of credits. Multiple program switches, course drops, withdrawals, multiple repeats of
a program and/or taking multiple programs may also be considered as unsatisfactory academic progress”

I’m confused because if I did a 6th year (Undergrad) would that be considered “multiple repeats of a program”?  I thought by fulling the full course load this year would take me off probation but now I’m just confused and scared I’ll lose OSAP eligibility for that 6th yr. It feels like taking a step forward and 3 steps back.


PS. Wow I’m jealous they made the new forms for this year so much easier. When I had to send my letter in I had to get a counselor to sign it and everything.



yes! i remember you! thanks for writing again!

your question was a little loaded so we had to reach out to someone from enrolment services!

this is what they said: (i’m going to copy and paste it word for word so i don’t mess up the meaning)

“OSAP generally allows one extra year of funding to complete your degree.  For Undergraduate students that means 5 years in total.  As long as the student hasn’t used up the maximum number of weeks of funding or interest free status: 340 weeks.  This rule doesn’t apply to students with a documented permanent disability.”

more importantly, we encourage you to talk to a financial counsellor at your college or go to enrolment services to get more information on your unique situation.

in terms of getting off of probation: your academic progress will be monitored carefully so make sure you pass your courses and meet the academic requirements of your program. again, all the information available on OSAP academic probation is attached with the note: talk to enrolment services! everyone’s situation is unique, so it’s really best if they sit down with you so they have access to your information.

hope this helped!

peace and love,



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