new kids


hi im definitely not smart enough for this school but ill be there this september aaaaaaa


hello friend,

welcome in advance to u of t! super happy for ya as you enter this ~new chapter of life~ and hey, i’ll let you in on something– plenty of students here feel the same, and continue to feel the same even after first, second, third, and even fourth year.

impostor syndrome can be a weird thing. i mean, i dunno if that’s exactly what you’re feeling– maybe you’re just nervous. but i remember reading this pretty good article in the varsity about it that resonated with me and at least a few others. it says the thing better than i know how to say the thing, if you wanna check it out. tl:dr impostor syndrome is not an uncommon feeling at u of t, but there are ways to refocus and start to move away from it. one of those is to compare yourself to your own achievements and look at your own growth, rather than holding yourself up against others.

and hey– you got into the school, right? that’s gotta count for something. what matters now is what you make of that admission. go to your classes. keep up with your readings. u of t does ask for a lot from its students, but if you’re up to tackling that workload i wouldn’t say you’re any less deserving of your place than anyone else.

wishing you the best of luck,  and if you find yourself dazed or confused at any point in time, don’t be afraid to ask. i’m super excited for you and all that you’re going to experience/achieve/learn in the coming years. don’t let your self-doubt get you down.

be Boundless,


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