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my specialist says i’m special, right?

I am going to be beginning studies at U of T next fall and I was wondering how the Specialist programs work? Is it possible to do a double specialist and if so would both programs appear on my Degree? I know my partner did a specialist and a minor and only the specialist appears on his degree.

Thank You,

Jenn Lee


Hi there. Congrats on your solid plan for next fall. (That gives you a year to buy enough turtleneck sweaters to adequately prepare.) Sorry to disappoint, but it’s basically impossible to do a double Specialist at U of T. While people have done it, a Specialist is considered a minimum of 10 credits. As an incoming student, you also have to fill five mandatory Breadth Requirements, and while some courses could double as degree/breadth requirements, it would not be enough to complete two unique degrees plus the mandatory classes.

Some programs however are offered as a double specialist. I know that English and Philosophy used to be offered as a double specialist, as well as English and Drama – but the calendar seems to have done away with them. If you examine the calendar in your particular field of interest, you might just find something. You will probably have your hands full with completing just one specialist, however.

Please keep in mind that in order to graduate from U of T, you need to complete a Specialist (10 plus credits), a double Major (seven plus credits), or a Major and two Minors (four credits max). If you graduate with a specialist, or major – no matter what you minor in, only your main concentration of study will show up on your degree. Not that it matters! You can write whatever field of study you want on your resume, which is why mine says that I minored in “player hatin’ & bootycallin’.”

xoxo, Askastudent

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