awkwardness,  jobs,  psychology

clinton too once worked with a girl who sucked

I’m not sure if this is appropriate for your web site but I am having difficulties with a girl from work. I hate this job. She makes it unbarable and I no longer want to be there, but I need the money for school. What should I do? Should I quit? Where else could I find a job?

Lazarus & Folkman did proposed a stress-coping theory, which i believe applies to your dilemma. they said you could respond either emotionally or situationally.
essentially, you need to either approach her and tell her that she’s bothering you, quit (you can find work through the UofT career centre), or simply adjust emotionally, and take time to realize her good points.
but since it seems she doesn’t have any (why else would you be bitching), you should simply suck it up and be a grown up about it. screw her! you just keep doing what you’re doing and concern yourself not with the annoyances associated with your work environment.
take from this what you want…but be sure to eat whatever you take.

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