After completing a degree in biology, i’m going back to take a second undergraduate degree (in engineering). I have found that biology is pretty much useless unless you go into medicine (which i don’t want to do) or go into research (after completing masters and PhD – which is a long number of years). I found that I really have an interest in engineering but I feel like a screw up by going back to undergrad while most of my friends are headed off to their masters. So, am I a screw up, or does this happen to other students? Any advice to someone who is going back for a second undergrad degree (a couple of people told me to go to a psychiatrist because they thought I went insane for even considering going back and taking another 4 yrs of undergrad).
it happens all the time. don’t sweat it. so your friends might get a new benz before you (pretentious bastards!!!!). it will suck for you until you get through your engineering, but let’s be honest. when your 30 and doing something you enjoy, won’t it all be worth it? it’s better than being 30 and hating working in some lab with rodents. cheers to you my good friend, do what makes you happy.
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if you go back, can you use any of the credits from your previous degree towards your new one? Say, your arts electives.