academic offense

a little good news for you!

hi there. Last few days had been particularly stressful to me. My instructor in a math class had contacted me and claimed I might committed plagiarism with other students. I have shown him evidence and he seemed to believe me. Later he said he won’t be forwarding my case to the dean. I wonder if the dean would still investigate my case and might use the evidence against me. Thanks.


hi there!

to my understanding, if your instructor says that he isn’t forwarding your case to the dean, i don’t believe the dean will be investigating you. according to the code of behaviour on academic matters, when an instructor decides that a student has not committed an academic offence, no further action is taken. i doubt that your dean would have time to investigate a case that wasn’t forwarded to them, even if they wanted to: the varsity has reported that there’s a bit of a backlog in academic misconduct cases, because the number of those increased so much recently.

in the future, if you find yourself in this situation again i’d suggest you contact your registrar’s office and ask to speak to an academic advisor. academic misconduct cases can be incredibly stressful, and you deserve to navigate those with support. i believe that nothing you tell an academic advisor can be used against you when your case is investigated.

overall, this sounds like a rough situation to be in. i hope you take some time to look after yourself, and i hope that this answer helps.

be Boundless,


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