academic offense

off the hook!

Hi, I was accused of academic offense last month for plagiarism in a final test worth of 25%. I shared my account with my friend and they copied some of my answers. My instructor reached me and I gave him all the evidence I have. Fortunately, I was forgiven and he won’t forward my case to the dean said in an email. The problem is, I am planning on a trip and I may not respond to email for weeks. I wonder if my matter will be dropped for good or if there will be further investigations.


hello there,

i hope you haven’t left for your trip yet! sorry it took me a good minute to get back to you on this. for more urgent inquiries, i always recommend that you contact the appropriate u of t office, like your registrar.

if your instructor has told you that your case won’t be forwarded to the dean, you can rest assured that your matter will be dropped unless you’re notified otherwise. according to our darling academic offence bible, the code of behaviour on academic matters, no further action is taken when an instructor doesn’t notify the dean or department chair of an offence. here’s the specific wording, so you can see it for yourself:

“If after such discussion, the instructor is satisfied that no academic offence has been committed, he or she shall so inform the student and no further action shall be taken in the matter by the instructor, unless fresh evidence comes to the attention of the instructor, in which case he or she may again proceed in accordance with subsection 2.”

i hope this helps you feel better, and that you have a safe trip! if there’s anything else related to this that you’d like professional advice on, please don’t hesitate to contact your registrar to book an appointment with an academic advisor. as far as i know, nothing you tell an academic advisor can be used against you when a matter of academic offence goes to trial.

be Boundless,


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