CR/NCR,  dropping courses,  late withdrawal

to drop or not to drop

Should I drop my course, I did really bad on my final but I was not able to mark it as credit no credit and now the deadline is over. I’m really scared that this will affect my grades and everything else. But if I drop it it will be such a waste of money that I would also regret. Please help me.

hey there,

i think this might be too late for utm and utsc, but if you’re going to utsg, you may be in luck this semester as the credit/no credit and late withdrawal deadlines have been extended to january 18, which is hopefully after all your marks have come out so you can make a more informed decision.

hopefully, if you didn’t do as well as you’d hoped in that course, you’d still be able to cr/ncr it! but just keep in mind that the extended cr/ncr does not apply to program requirement courses, unless your course was one of those that had their final exams cancelled due to the new covid regulations (it seems like that’s not the case for you).

if you need the course for program requirements and can’t cr/ncr it, i’d recommend seeing how much that course impacts your grades overall using a gpa calculator like this one. that might help you to decide if you’d like to late withdrawal the course. unfortunately, a late withdrawal does mean that your fees for the dropped course wouldn’t be refunded, and you may need to pay to retake the course in the future. it’s a tough decision, but i think ultimately it comes down to what mark you need from the course to meet your goals, and how feasible it would be for you to drop the course and retake it if needed.

hope that was helpful in some way. i’d also recommend checking out some of the academic advising resources (here’s a list of resources in arts and science) on campus if you have any other concerns, they could definitely help out with questions about lwd and even financial aid or academic support which could be helpful if you end up needing to drop the course.

best wishes,


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