admissions,  engineering

once again, may i present… your registrar!


I applied as an early consideration for EngSci program at UofT. However, I have received an email in mid April that I have been placed on the waitlist.

Till now I have not received any updates and my engineering portal account gives the same message that I’m still under consideration.

Someone asked here about the latest response date which turns out to be June 7th, but I haven’t received either an acceptance or rejection till now (June 18th)

What does that mean? :’))

hey there,

man, that is a bit confusing to have not heard back for so long. first, props to you for checking my previous answers before asking!

buut, it’s good thing you asked because i’m not sure that answer would be applicable to your exact situation.

that question i answered last month was asked by a first year student enrolling in their program of study for second year. the latest response date of june 7th was pulled from the arts & sciences “important dates” timeline. but this date wouldn’t be relevant to you since you’re in a different faculty, the faculty of applied science and engineering. these faculties operate under different timelines and have different academic dates!

anyways, based on what you’ve said, i’m assuming you’re applying to your engsci major as you go into third year. here’s the thing with that — i can’t seem to find an exact date or timeline for engsci major acceptances like there is for artsci programs. and even if i got your situation wrong and you’re in the other engineering track (core 8), i also can’t find a program acceptance timeline for that.

the world wide web has failed me today i guess. but it’s fine, i’m fine.

Angry Oh No GIF

fear nOT, though. while i am not an engineering student, i know there is someone out there who actually knows the dates when you should get a definite answer. the most reliable source i can guide you to is the… can you guess what i’m gonna say? the… engineering registrar!

Jimmy Fallon Prediction GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

literally just shoot them a quick email at . ask them something along the lines of, “is there an estimated timeline for acceptances to roll out?” they’ll be helpful, you can do it!

in the meantime, june 7 is an irrelevant date for you, and your engineering portal says you’re still under consideration. so i would say, consider yourself under consideration and not rejected for now. but, the best thing you can do is really just to reach out to your registrar.

anyhoo, good luck with everything, i hope this somewhat helped!

over and out,



  • nano

    Thank you so much! That was quite beneficial.

    However, I think you misunderstood one thing, I’m a High School graduate :’) The waitlist is not for the major, but for the whole program, so I’m going into my first year not third.

    Either way I don’t think there’s anything online that would answer my case, so I’ll just contact someone from the engineering registrar as you said.

    Thanks again!

  • aska

    hey there,

    glad to hear it helped, but sorry for misunderstanding!

    if you’re a high school grad, then june 7 is definitely not applicable to you. according to this website, the deadline to accept an offer of admission for engineering passed on june 3: . however, not too sure how this works if you’re waitlisted.

    i think you might get a more direct answer by contacting, which is the address specific for admissions.

    good luck,
    x aska

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