first year,  subject POST

math smarts and arts smarts = the perfect combo

Hi, I’m in grade 12 right now and applied for the social science program at University of Toronto (my main goal). I originally planned to double major in Political Science and Economics. The thing is, I’m strong at math and okay in humanity/social science courses. I realized this late, and so I’m taking Advanced Functions and Calculus at the same time right now, but still doing pretty good (mid or high 90s). I used to hate math, but now I guess I’m starting to like it.

I’ve been looking at the programs and I’m interested in Actuarial Science, Financial Economics, Economics and Mathematics, or such programs that involve real-world math.

Anyways, the question is, can I switch programs to mathematics from social sciences right now on OUAC, or is it possible to change it after being accepted?

Or should I wait until the end of first year to declare a double major in an mathematic field and an social science, considering that we declare our majors at the end of the first year?

But the problem is, I still want to have a double major in a math field and in a social science. So would this affect anything?


Chill l’il first year. You must chill.

You will be happy to know that whatever program you applied for on OUAC is not written in stone. People change their majors all the time. That’s what college is all about (well that and becoming a vegan and moving to Montreal). So whatever you’ve applied for online in high school doesn’t have to be the program you graduate with. You don’t even have to take those classes at all!

At the end of your first year, you will have to do something called “Choosing a Subject PoST.” (aka picking your major)? You can switch your subject PoSt over and over again until the year you graduate. Your subject PoST will dictate what classes you have first priority for (registration-wise) and what program of study you are in, but you can definitely take a lot of different classes in your first year, including math and social sciences.

The deadline for first years to choose their classes isn’t until JULY 25TH, which gives you a heck of a lot of time to consult the calendar and see what kinds of courses and programs of study at U of T might peak your interest. You’ll also be happy to know that a lot of the social sciences involve stats classes and data management, which could combine two of your newfound interests at once!

If you are an Innis student, contact the registrar’s office and book an appointment to talk to one of our counsellors, who will be able to advise you on a few classes/programs that might peak your interest. But for now, check out the Calendar and start seeing what you like. You can always drop a class in the first few weeks if you end up hating it. But see what you like.

Congrats on getting in, nerd!

xoxo, Askastudent

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