Dear Askastudent team,
I will be studying Engineering Science for my undergraduate studies next year. I know that up to 50% of EngSci students graduate with a Bachelor’s, but I am wondering how many students (what percentage) are able to make it to top universities in the States for grad school, such as Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Berkeley, etc.
Thank you for your help,
Hey Dude,
Unfortunately, since those statistics would change every year, I nor the Engineering Faculty would really have access to those kinds of facts. However, I do urge you to contact the Engineering Program who will be able to at least fill you in on where some of the students end up.?My guess is that at least a few end up in the Ivy Leagues for grad school and become kind of?big deals? Blaze your own path and you’ll end up there too!
xoxo, Askastudent