Hey, askastudent, I “have” 4 TAs. One doesn’t speak English (eco). One teaches at Scarborough, and is only down here once every two weeks for labs, and has the office hour 1 hour before the lab is gue (geogr). One is writing his PhD thesis, and travels all over the world to do research, so he’s never here either (histrory). And one doesn’t care at all and said he won’t have time for us (politics).
I won’t bitch. Just let me ask: aren’t they paid to help us????
they sure as hell are. nice to see that they go out into the world and disrupt everybody’s schedules while they bitch and complain and strike but when they get back, pay raise and all, still some how seem to suck. to the good TA’s, thanks for doing your job. to the rest of you, you’re pissing people’s money out the window. you suck.
and to whoever wrote this i am truly sorry that all of your TA’s are so terrible. if they’re as bad as you say they are, they should all be fired right before christmas. wouldn’t that be justice.