
dumpster diving for grades

Dear aska,

I have finished 3.0 credits with a 1.45 GPA from the year 2010-2011, failed a 0.5 credit course from 2011 summer, failed 2/3 0.5 credits in 2011 fall, and currently I am taking four half credits, doing alright in 3 of them (80+). As I applied for OSAP for this current year, I had my status as a second year instead of first year so they put me on probation for not having a GPA of 1.50 or more. I am now recieving OSAP after writing the petition, but am wondering about my status – out of 7 half courses, I have failed 2 already, and I am possibly going to drop another one, which would lead me to a 2.0 credit. Would you happen to know what could possibly happen to me, in terms of registar at U of T & OSAP?


Sad Story


Hey little mr. sad story,

Well, I’m sure a few things are going to happen. The first thing that jumps out to me is, if you?can be getting 80+ in a course and you’re failing courses, then there must be something else going on. So …. so many options went through my head. Unfortunately not many?of them were very serious, but many jobs?can keep you occupied in the night.

Side Bar Ted: Things that occupy you in the night, causing you not to do well in school

1) lady/man of the night

2) superhero

3) butler to a superhero

4) dumpster diver

5) YouTube addict

Academically, you will most likely be put on probation. This is what the course calendar says on that shiz-naz:

Probation; Suspension; Refused Further Registration

The following regulations apply to students who have attempted at least four courses* in the Faculty.

  1. A student shall be on academic probation who
    a) has a cumulative GPA of less than 1.50 or
    b) returns from suspension.
  2. A student who, at the end of the Winter or Summer Session during which he or she is on probation
    a) has a cumulative GPA of 1.50 or more shall be in good standing
    b) has a cumulative GPA of less than 1.50 but an annual GPA of 1.70 or more (Winter Session)/sessional GPA of 1.70 or more (Summer Session) shall continue on probation.
    c) has a cumulative GPA of less than 1.50 and an annual GPA of less than 1.70 (Winter Session)/sessional GPA of less than 1.70 (Summer Session) shall be suspended for one calendar year unless he or she has been so suspended previously, in which case he or she shall be suspended for three years.
  3. A student who, having been suspended for three years, is again liable for suspension shall be refused further registration in the Faculty.

* Completed attempts are those in which a student remains formally enrolled on the last date for cancellation, unless the academic penalty normally attached to a later cancellation is removed by petition. This includes CR/NCR, but does not include courses with LWD.

NOTE: Students ?On Academic Probation? may take no more than five courses in each of the Fall and Winter Sessions.

Now on the OSAP front, it really depends on the deal you struck with the devil, i mean OSAP, ?in your petition. If you are suppose to be a full-time student and you only end up woth 2.0 credits then they will most likely be a little peeved. My guess would be suspension, and/or you having to pay some money back.

Recently I’ve been telling students to go to their academic/financial advisors … no they are paying for promotion, but it passes the blame off of me if things go terribly bad.

forever your robyn,


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