if in doubt, follow Will Smith

Hi, I was just wondering how exactly has the utm residence been lately. Is it as bad as they say if you live on campus? And are people “cold” and unwilling to socialize? I’m considering going there this fall and I’m just nervous on what to expect and how hard it will be to make friends considering I won’t know anyone. Also do parties ever happen? I know university is about studying but I also want it to be a good experience. Thanks in advance for your reply!



Everyone, well most outside of anti-social folk, will be in the same situation. We all came to our first year knowing few to no people and scared we were going to be lonely and sad for the next 4 years. If you are social and outgoing, you will find a likewise crowd. Parties happen (especially if you are in res).

Sometimes if you live in a boring res you will just have to make your own fun, and I can gaurentee you will be able to find a partner or two in crime (ok, not real crime … but if real crime, just don’t get caught).

If you don’t plan on living in res, just chat up some peeps in class … this both supports your academics (by having a buddy for notes) and gives you an insider to the fun shiz going on around campus.

If you find yourself with boring people, just try this.

I have also heard a wise monk … or probably my Nan, says that only boring people find themselves bored. Make your own fun and fun people will follow.

whipping my hair back a forth,


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