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more proof that UofT= try hards

Can you be enrolled in 2 specialist programs??

why do people always want to know this? isn’t U of T complicated enough?
anyways, you may be able to do so but it is very, very complicated. specialist programs often warrant 10 to 15 credits and have extensive restrictions on the kinds of classes to take, course requirements, footwear selection, etc. please check out the calendar for details to see if you can share 20 credits adequately between 2 programs. this is why most people do a specialist (solo) and a minor, people.
U of T also offers joint specialists in many of their programs – such as English and Philosophy, and English and Drama… check out the calendar for options. there might be an infrastructure already set in place.
the worse thing about doing such a restrictive course set up is the idea that YOU CAN’T SCREW UP. what if you realize that art history really isn’t your bag? what if philosophy ends up being an ideological downfall? this is how you end up doing a degree in five, six years and having your family members starve in order to help supplement your supposed “higher” education.
anyways, talk to your registrar, check out the calendar and use your head. do what you want to do. all things considered, economics is pretty overrated.
chees, askastudent

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