hello askastudent! love ur site and advice. just curious about summer school. let’s say one takes a course in the summer, will it weigh as much as the other ones and have the same ability
to bring down one’s cgpa the same amount as if it was taken during the school year? i think summer school at uni isnt so bad since its 5 weeks long, so they cant teach that much in that limited time and the classes are smaller… whats ur take on summer school????? is it worth it?
i wish it was time for summer school! those groundhogs are jerks. and liars.
summer school credits are entirely equivalent to your regular wintertime credits. they are counted towards your GPA and CGPA, program requirements and will appear on your transcript. that being said, they are easier than regular school time credits, because you get to wear a bikini and tan while studying.
check out the preliminary timetable for 2007. perfect – nothing i can take is listed. askastudent is going to be in school for 10 more years.
cheers, askastudent