
would you like my firstborn child with that transcript?


So I enrolled in utm (LOL FUN FUN FUN) anyway, I want to transfer to St.George into Rotman Commerce! Can you please tell me what you know about that? I’ve heard it’s EXTREMELY difficult to get it second year, but I have to leave i just can’t. Please tell me all you know! I’m taking all the commerce prerequisites required at utm. Ps. You’re funny!



Disclaimer to anyone from UTM or who works there: the student is the one that boo-ed UTM, not me!

Hey Bored,

Don’t mind that little note. Ahem.

Anyhow, yeah, getting into Rotman after a year of university is basically going to require you giving up your soul, your time (all of it), and your firstborn child. Just kidding. Well no. Okay, basically, what I mean is that the number of students they admit from your bracket of people is very… miniscule?

Basically, I’m going to direct you to the transfer student requirements for Rotman, and then see the grades they list there? Basically add like an additional 5% or more to whatever they say. So when they say ECO100Y (or its equivalent) must be completed with at least 73-76%, read that as maybe 83%. Or something.

What I’m trying to say is that put bluntly, your grades are going to need to be fantastic to get in.

Good luck!


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