
omg daniels wut r u doin

Hi there, thanks for taking the time to answer all our questions, it must be exhausting.

I am an engineering student from UBC who will soon be finishing his final semester. I am interested in the Masters of Landscape Architecture program. However, my CGPA is not so good at about 64% partly due to a wasted year in an irrelevant program. My final year GPA sits at about 80% though. If I were to apply, how much would my CGPA hurt my chances? I know entry into the program is competitive. Lets pretend that my portfolio is impressive, I have solid references and many relevant supplementary certificates. Do I still stand a decent chance of entry into the program? I want to know because I am considering applying for an expensive design course that might help my chances but if my CGPA cripples everything, then there is just no point in it.

Kind regards,
Mr. Digital


Hey Mr. Digital,

Thanks for thanking me! People don’t do that often. Oh, you’re a darling. 🙂

So your situation: I think you should still apply!

Yes, UofT is notorious for being extremely cruel when it comes to the required CGPAs that they set for entering programs, but you sound quite confident in all the other factors that are going to back you up for this application! Moreover, I would assume that logically, the committee judging you is going to look at the courses that relate to Landscape Architecture and/or notice that the things that are bringing your CGPA down are totally irrelevant. Likewise, word on the street is that they really just consider your final years! I mean, if you have the fantastic portfolio, the references, the marks where they matter, and all that jazz, I would like to think that they’d at least give you fair consideration.

Naturally, I can’t say anything for sure, but considering this a more hands-on professional sort of program, I think what you can do should hold precedence over what you can study! Again, I totally think you should go for it. I mean there’s no harm in trying.




  • Student

    Haha, 64% at UBC? Man, sometimes I wonder how students like you would have done (or not done) if you came to UofT Undergrad (not that Grad School wussy stuff where you have more time than you imagine).

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