
in which technicalities can actually work in your favour at uoft!


I am currently in my first year at UofT St. George, and recently thought of perhaps minoring in economics. My current semester consists of ENG150Y, POL101Y, HIS109Y, ANT100Y, and PSY100H. However if I were to commit myself to such a task, I would have to enrol in ECO105Y and a full-year math credit, thereby taking me over the limit of 100-level course allowed by 0.5 (I would be at 6.5 credits). Just out of curiosity, what happens if I go over this limit, and, if it comes down to not counting the grades of one of my courses, how will this affect me? (example: if they told me that they would discard my mark in, say, psychology, then would I be eligible to take psych at the 200 level?)

Thanks for the assistance


Hi Josh,

Okay so the basic rule is that after taking 6.0 100-levels, any other 100s are deemed extra credit and the grades don’t count towards your CGPA.

But you’re clearly in a weird situation. Basically, the way to get what you want — that being taking all 6.5 credits and having PSY100H be the extra–is to make sure you take either MAT137Y or MAT157Y for your first year math requirement. As in you’ll need to take a Y-course. According to the calendar, if a student were to have 5.5 100-level courses and wanted to take an additional Y 100-level, the last H credit taken would be deemed the extra. And since PSY100H is going to be the only H credit you’ve finished, that’ll be the one deemed extra. This means that if you take the MAT135H+MAT136H route, the latter would be the one deemed extra.

But even if your PSY100H became listed as extra, you can definitely still take 200-level courses in psych! 🙂

However, I do feel obligated to ask: why the sudden urge to do an economics minor? You have neither of the prerequisites, so is this actually something you want?

Just consider this before you put yourself in another 2.0 credits! I mean what a drag your summer would be if you tried to finish these then…



One Comment

  • The Masked Advisor

    Keep in mind that other schools (even UofT Grad/Professional schools) DO count your “extra” course in their GPA calculation. It’s lack of being counted for only helps you obtain a high GPA in ***UofT*** (not necessarily elsewhere) and to those who you show your UofT-GPA calculated transcript. It helps you get the Distinction/High Distinction because your UofT GPA is high. But other schools will still count it.

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