med school

making good choices


I am a deaf student. I am attending a public high school in Toronto currently. I got admission from UofT life sci , York biology and Life sci at Macmaster. I am really confused and don?t know which university to go. My goal is to go to med school.? My mom insists on choosing UofT but there are many negative feedbacks about UofT, for example its a GPA-killer.? York is the easiest one however I don’t like the area at all and my mom doesn’t approve of it. Macmaster seems like the best option that I have but its very expensive, my mom said that she would pay for it though. Also, I would have to leave home if I want to go to Macmaster. My average right now is 90% and I?m also a drama major student. I really don’t know which university to pick that would raise the chances of getting in med school. Many people have said to me that I would do well in UofT. I really really need your help. Please help me.


Hey hey!

So I can’t speak for York or McMaster, but I’ll say some stuff for UofT.

Yes, yes, UofT can be a bit of a grade killer. Why? Well, it’s hard. I like to think the university makes things hard to weed out the weak. I mean UofT is consistently within the top three universities in Canada and always ranks quite high among those in the entire world. UofT needs to foster brilliant(ish) minds to match the brilliant minds running it.

If you can make it through four years here, you’ll get a lovely piece of paper that essentially tells future med schools: “I am a masochist, but a smart masochist!”

But for your decision-making issue, you’re going to actually have to do your own research bud. Think of that as your first assignment issued by someone from the university. Instructions: Consider possible med schools you would like to apply to after completing your undergraduate education. What are their requirements? What institutions best suit their undergraduate requirements?

Make sense? Naturally, I say come to UofT, but I’m biased so…

make good choices,


  • Student

    Bro, 4.0 GPA 4th year life sci student here. Everyone here had 90% in high school. I skipped first year at UofT. If you have below 90% in high school, its like having below 90% in kindergarten. It’s silly and meaningless. Don’t come to UofT. It does NOT matter.

  • Student

    Nobody looks after the administration of undergrads. We’re just money-generating rodents running on wheels. But we do get places if you make it. The administration just doesn’t look after you… at all. You can get hit by a car and they won’t know.

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