so I’ve applied to the Bachelor of Architectural Studies program for the second time now, and I’m awaiting a response. I’ve submitted my One Idea profile and all my transcripts from hs and my current uni, but on my UofT portal it says that ‘a provisional decision cannot be made at this time’ because they need my final transcripts. Should I get my hopes up about acceptance or is it likely they’ll reject me again? I’ve improved my average this year (now in the mid-80s as opposed to mid-70s last year), and I’m pretty happy with my One Idea profile that I submitted. But I don’t want to sit around expecting I’ll get in only to find that I didn’t. So, what do you think? Is this ‘can’t make a decision’ business bad news?
thanks for your time,
– Anxious
Hey Anxious,
You know that the application deadline was just on March 1 right? And that your OneIdea was due March 15?
Lots of people are waiting for responses. And I assume things are going to take longer with Architecture since they’re gonna have to go through a lot more than just your grades. So if they haven’t gotten back to you yet, just… wait. There’s no need to think the worst when they could very well just be in the middle of reading OneIdeas.
And while the faculty’s website is basically completely useless and no one wants to give me a straight answer on what average you need for admission, I’m going to guess that it’s somewhere around mid- to high-80s, meaning you should be fine.
But what I assume says “pending” as opposed “can’t make a decision” is not something to lose your cool over. Just sit back, watch some shows, and wait a bit. It’s only been like two weeks since they probably started considering people.