can i be admitted three days before the last day to accept?

I applied to the University of Toronto Scarborough Life Sciences Co-op program. Two questions:

1. When is the deadline for receiving an offer?

2. I want to go to the St George campus instead. Is this possible? How can I set about doing this?


Not even a hello? Ruuuude.

But anyway, did you know UTSC has their own aska-esque thing? I just discovered it a few days ago in my daily journeys across the interwebz. Or I might have googled myself. Yeah that. Anyhow, after getting over the inital “HOW DARE THEY?!” I noticed that it was really just aimed towards incoming students like yourself.

So deciding to try it, I searched for Question 1.

Greetingless Questioner: “When is the deadline for receiving an offer?”

UTSC’s Not as Awesome as askastudent Ask a Student: “Current Ontario high school students will receive a decision by early June. For all other applicants, admission decisions are made on an ongoing basis.”

So early June — although that seems weird to me because last I heard, Ontario high school students have to accept their offers by June 3.


Greetingless Questioner: “I want to go to the St George campus instead. Is this possible? How can I set about doing this?”

If you start off at UTSC, you’re going to have to do an internal transfer to go to St. George instead. You can take courses at St. George as a UTSC student, but to be a St. George-r, you need transfer. OR you can just do the thing where you take a year off (a.k.a. don’t go to UTSC) to ponder your past life choices and the future ones and then reapply to university, this time applying to specifically St. George.

Basically, although UTSC (and UTM, at that) go by the name of “University of Toronto,” they’re kind of these separate universities if you will. You can take a feeeew courses at campuses that are not your own, but for the most part, you’re encouraged to stay close to home.

But yeah.



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