dropping courses,  subject POST

give it to me hard, euripides!

if ur enrolled in a specific post (like classics or something), do u HAVE TO take classic courses come second year? or can i take basically anything OTHER THAN classics and just use that as a stepping stone for another post that i want? and i’ve also completed 2 half classic courses this summer and i guess that would count for that ost (classics), so do i still have to take classic courses come second year? or will ROSI acknowledge that i’ve taken the 2 classic courses in the summer and let me take anything other than classics? sorry if this is confusing! =)

i don’t think you understand how the PoST thing works. basically if you are enrolled in a specific PoST – that doesn’t stop you from taking classes at another department, provided that you fit the requirements for that program or course. if you really wanted to (why, i don’t know) you could take a whole bunch of non-classics related classes in one year, and then take 5 classics classes to fulfill your major. but that would mean that you would have to sit through 5 classics classes a week, which may in fact kill you. plus it is a notorious fact that classics majors are not attractive, which means that the only eye-candy you would have is the greek statues.
if you’re really having trouble making your schedule work, you can book an appointment with your registrar to talk over a possible class schedule/strategy. otherwise, have fun nerding up in your greek mythology classes. you big nerd.
update: but whoa – check this out! if you like reading choose-your-own-erotica about classics professors, this may be the book for you. here’s the synopsis:
The Classics Professor is a beautiful woman at a prestigious New York university whose cold professional façade masks a powerful eroticism. Dr. Wendy Lake wants to seduce you, and a disastrous relationship has left you vulnerable to her advances. You’re fascinated and intimidated. When the affair becomes dangerously intense, you’ll have to decide whether you will submit to all her perversions, such as attending pan sexual orgies in midtown; escape the pressure through a fling with a nubile university co-ed; or drop out of graduate school altogether. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
i want somebody to buy this book for me. where are my pan sexual orgies in midtown? nonexistent, that’s where.
cheers, askastudent

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