
covocation is coming…

Hey y’all!

aska is bored, and when aska is bored…

Well, ridiculous things happen.

So in celebration of #UofTGrad2013 and the recent season finale of Game of Thrones (granted, that’s hardly something to celebrate?considering what a disappointment it was), here’s a list of things that can go horribly, horribly wrong at your graduation in no particular order.

1.?The reader of names gets yours wrong. Like come on.

2. Your little sister gets stopped at the door… or wait, maybe that’s a good thing? As fun as it may be to skip a day of school or daycare or being on the run in the wartorn Riverlands, even graduates find graduation boring, so for someone who isn’t even the star of the day, not finding that extra ticket may actually be a blessing!

3. You go to shake the Chancellor’s hand as per awkward customs, and when his sleeve rides up ever so slightly, you see a glimmer of chain mail. He smiles at you grimly and smugly and you realize that you can never escape UofT.

4. You stand up to go on your merry way to the front when all of a sudden, the Rains of Castamere starts playing.

5. Finally, the process of sitting through a long procession of names is fiiiiiinally over and the second you turn your phone on (assuming you haven’t spent the entire ceremony texting away), you get a call from your neighbour or whoever telling you that your dog/cat/direwolf has been… okay I cannot do this.

Anyhow, congratulations 2013 graduates!


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