
because seven ate nine

Hey askastudent!

I’m entering my first year at UofT and I was wondering what the difference?was between 100, 101, 102 (etc) courses. Also – what timetable generator?would you recommend?

Thanks a ton!


Welcome to the Cool Kids Club, newbie! 🙂

The difference between 100/101/102 is just that they’re different course codes.

But depending on the program, I suppose you can say they move in some sort of order, be that by difficulty or simply by how you’re supposed to take them. For example, with your first-year math courses, they’re kind of in order, with MAT133Y being the “easiest” (which, to be clear, a math professor actually said to me) and then MAT157Y being the “hardest.” In this particular program, there is an order.

However, if you look at say… English, there’s no difficulty difference between ENG110Y and ENG140Y, just a topic change if anything.

The reaaal difference in course codes you should be observing is the 100-, 200-, 300-, and 400-level courses. Naturally, you can see there’s a progression in terms of difficulty with 100s being the start of the line and the 400s at the end.

Granted, I like to think that things work out for you that 400-levels are actually incredibly easy! Because after four years of study, before you decide to take ENG445, your study of English should be pretty damn in depth and your ability to function in a seminar, well-honed. 🙂

As for a timetable generator…. those exist?

Tbh, I spent four years using Excel, and not even in some fancy way.

The first column was devoted to writing down hours from 9AM to 9PM, while the next five had the days of the week. And then I just played around from there, colour-coding my courses.

But post-Googling “uoft timetable generator,” I found this — just in case my method isn’t high tech enough. 😉



One Comment

  • Tom is an officially hosted timetable generator. It caters to Engineers but has ArtSci functionality too.

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