12 distinct credits,  anthropology,  subject POST

versatility at its finest


I’m on the precipice of my fourth year (of five) at U of T. And now, during course selections, I want to change my POST. Specifically, I want to trade my general anthropology major, my diaspora and transnational studies minor and my biology minor, for a double major in biological anthropology and socio-cultural anthropology. I believe I can do this and still respect the 12.0 distinct course rule.

Can I hold two majors offered by the same department? And, will I be able to continue enrolling in classes normally if I delete my current POST in order to make these changes?

Thanks for your time


Hey hey

“Precipice” sounds like an awkward word choice right there. Why not “cusp”? Or “brink”? Something more “edge”-esque?

Anyhow, yes, yes you can enrol in those two majors together.

I’m going to be honest with you, my first reaction was “Lol no.” I asked another person who said “Lol no but maybe double check with anthro.” Then I emailed anthro — be tea dubs, the anthro undergraduate administrator is such a sweet woman! — and well… apparently you can certainly do a double major in anthro and anthro!

Naturally, of course, heed the 12.0 distinct credits rule, and remember that you can’t have more than 15.0 credit with the same three letter code.

But your ability to function on ROSI (e.g. enrolling in new courses if they suit your fancy) is based on you being in a proper subject POSt combo, so if you suddenly drop the three you have and linger in a state of “requested” for the other two majors, that’ll be a problem.

So for now, stick with the POSts you have and request the two majors — there’s no limit to what you can request. And then when you get invited to the new majors in September, THEN you delete the old ones.

Make sense?



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